Society Christmas Meal

Cinnamon Lounge 97 Bridge Road, Horbury Bridge, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Our annual Christmas Meal for Society Members - meeting at Cinnamon Lounge, Horbury at 7.30pm.

Soupy’s Christmas Quiz

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

As is traditional, quizmaster Soupy will present his annual Astronomical Christmas Quiz... with goodies to be won!

Committee Meeting

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

This is a closed meeting for Society Committee Members only. Our pre-AGM meeting.


The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Our WADAS meeting on Thursday 18th January will be our AGM, at which we will reflect on the past year, and look ahead to upcoming meetings and events, as well as holding elections for our commitee. A rough agenda for proceedings is as follows: Chairs report Vote of thanks Committee elections Treasurers report Future events

Society Club Night

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

The first thursday of the month is our Society Members-Only Club Night... a social gathering for the sharing of hints, tips & experiences. For this particular event, Marci will be available to help any society members get set up with their online accounts for this site. Bring along whatever wifi-enabled devices you like that you

Dr Catherine Walsh: The Birth and Evolution of Planetary Systems in the era of ALMA

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

The unprecedented sensitivity of ALMA (the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) has allowed the first detection of so-called 'complex organic molecules', or COMs, defined in astrochemistry as molecules with greater than five atoms. The detection and analysis of COM emission from planet-forming disks is vital for understanding the chemical archaeological record of our Solar System contained


Society Club Night

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

The first thursday of the month is our Society Members-Only Club Night... a social gathering for the sharing of hints, tips & experiences.

WADAS Kielder StarParty

We’re having another of our mini-StarParties up at Soupy’s gaff at Kielder. This is a society-member’s-only event. A chance to observe / image from England’s premiere dark site with the best of company! For details see the member’s forum in the Members Area.

Society Club Night

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

The first thursday of the month is our Society Members-Only Club Night... a social gathering for the sharing of hints, tips & experiences.

Black holes, Quasars and the Evolution of Galaxies

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Understanding how galaxies evolve is one of the most active fields of modern astrophysics. Clive Tadhunter, Professor of Astrophysics at Sheffield University, joins us to explain how the supermassive black holes in the centres of galaxies play a key role in the transformation of galaxies over cosmic time, and discuss the likely fate of our own


Society Club Night

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

The first thursday of the month is our Society Members-Only Club Night... a social gathering for the sharing of hints, tips & experiences.

3D Photography And Its Applications In Astronomy

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Anthony Jennings ventures o’er the divide from Manchester Astronomical Society where he sits as President, one of the oldest astronomical societies in the country.  His 3D images have appeared on NASA’s STEREO (Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory) website. He has had photographs in Sky At Night and Astronomy Now magazines, and shown on Granada Television.  The Late Sir Patrick


Society Club Night

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

The first thursday of the month is our Society Members-Only Club Night... a social gathering for the sharing of hints, tips & experiences.

Jason McDonald: Solar Imaging and Observation

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Jason McDonald joins us from Harrogate Astronomical Society and the UK Solar Imaging & Observations FB Group on the first day of the astronomical summer for an evening of all things Solar. Non-members: £3,  Members: society rate


Society Club Night

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

The first thursday of the month is our Society Members-Only Club Night... a social gathering for the sharing of hints, tips & experiences.

NOT Fifty Shades of Grey

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

All is not appears with that there Moon... to us it seems like a simple grey disk. Kevin Kilburn of Manchester Astronomy Society joins us to open our eyes and reveal the moon’s visual secrets in glorious technicolor.


The Vikings at Barsoom Pt1: Orbital Operations

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Paul Money returns with another of his fascinating talks involving the escapades of early space exploration missions. In 1975 NASA launched an ambitious mission to search for life on the Red Planet. Consisting of two orbiters and two landers, most of the emphasis has concentrated on the landers but in this Pt 1 we look


Society Club Night

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

The first thursday of the month is our Society Members-Only Club Night... a social gathering for the sharing of hints, tips & experiences.

Dr Susan Cartwright – Extrasolar Planets

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Dr Susan Cartwright, Senior Lecturer in Particle Physics and Astrophysics at Sheffield University, joins us to explore the topic of Exoplanets... looking at questions such as how do you we find and observe them, and what are the probabilities of finding habitable worlds? Non-members: £3  Members: society rate Image credit: IAU/L. Calçada


Society Club Night

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

The first thursday of the month is our Society Members-Only Club Night... a social gathering for the sharing of hints, tips & experiences.