Society Club Night

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

The first thursday of the month is our Society Members-Only Club Night... a social gathering for the sharing of hints, tips & experiences.

Legacy of the Hubble Space Telescope – Dr. Steve Barrett (Liverpool University)

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Dr. Steve Barrett is a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Physics, and Principal Scientist of the Surface Science Research Centre at Liverpool University. Recordings of some of his talks are available via Liverpool University’s Live Streaming Service. This particular talk encompasses a brief history of the Hubble Space Telescope and a description of its legacy in


Society Club Night

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

The first thursday of the month is our Society Members-Only Club Night... a social gathering for the sharing of hints, tips & experiences.

Lyrid Meteor Shower at RSPB St Aidans

RSPB St Aidan's Nature Park Astley Lane, Great Preston, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Visit RSPB St Aidan's for an evening being wowed by the Lyrid meteor shower, led by the Wakefield and District Astronomical Society. This session will give you opportunity to learn about when, how and why meteor showers occur, with experts also on hand to point out other amazing astronomical features visible in the night sky


Prof Brad Gibson – Liquid Mirror Telescopes: The Wave of the Future or Just a Ripple?

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Prof Brad Gibson returns once again to fill a void with another fascinating lecture... this time, the topic du jour will be Liquid Mirror Telescopes: The Wave of the Future or Just a Ripple? First described by Capocci in 1850 and published by Skey in 1872, LMTs became a serious reality with the UBC/Laval 2.7m


Prof Paul Crowther – Massive Stars

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Paul joins us from the University of Sheffield (where he wears the crown of HoD and Professor of Astrophysics) to give us an overview of massive stars, from the birth in rich star forming regions such as the Orion Nebula and the Tarantula Nebula, through their relatively short lifetimes, initially as luminous blue stars through


Dr Julian Onions: The Far side of the moon

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

The Moon is a shy body, it only ever shows one sides of itself to the Earth. Before the space age, we had no idea what was on the far side of the Moon. This has led to a number of conspiracy theories that it is a haven for aliens. In this talk, we'll chart


Dr Sergei Zharkov: Understanding & Predicting the Solar Activity Cycle

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Dr Sergei Zharkov joins us from the E.A.Milne Centre for Astrophysics to talk about the Solar Interior... beginning with a general introduction to the Sun and solar activity, highlighting the links to space weather. We’ll then delve into our understandings of how such activity is driven, through to our ability to observe and measure processes below


Paul Money: Vikings at Barsoom (Pt2)

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Paul L Money FRAS, FBIS, is well known for his extensive talks and is the reviews editor of the BBC Sky at Night magazine. He broadcasts occasionally on BBC Radio Lincolnshire and Lincoln City Radio. and has published a night sky guide called Nightscenes since 2000 and more recently has become a novelist with a Ghost Mysteries


Nucleosynthesis – crucible of the Elements

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

President of Huddersfield Astronomical and Philosophical Society, and Director of the Huddersfield Observatory, Robert A Williams joins WADAS to deliver his talk entitled "Nucleosynthesis - crucible of the Elements", celebrating 2019 as the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements. This talk covers... A ramble through the elements of the Periodic table showing


Dr David Benoit – Comets: The Chemistry Lab of the Universe

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Find out why comets and asteroids are really more like big dusty snowballs and how they act as a "mobile chemistry lab" in space with with Dr. David Benoit (Senior Lecturer in Molecular Physics and Astrochemistry at the E.A. Milne Centre for Astrophysics, University of Hull)... Could our water come from outer-space and has life started by


Soupy’s Xmas Quiz

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

As is traditional, quizmaster Soupy will present his annual Astronomical Christmas Quiz... with goodies to be won! Swot up on your SciFi Theme Tunes, Satellites, EV Silhouettes, Constellations, and AstroTrivia!


The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

The WADAS Annual General Meeting, where committee posts are up for grabs...!! Rough agenda: Chair's Report Vote of thanks Committee elections Treasurer's Report Future Events AOB

Society Club Night

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

The first thursday of the month is our Society Members-Only Club Night... a social gathering for the sharing of hints, tips & experiences.

Are We Alone in the Universe? – Pr Brad Gibson

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Have we been visited before? Are they out there watching… listening… studying us? Brad Gibson (Head of Physics and Director of the E.A. Milne Centre for Astrophysics at the University of Hull) will examine the evidence for and against the existence of extraterrestrial life, and walk you through the associated good, bad, and ugly corners


Society Club Night

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

The first thursday of the month is our Society Members-Only Club Night... a social gathering for the sharing of hints, tips & experiences.

[CANCELLED] Dr Richard Parker – Binary Stars and their Influence on Planetary Systems

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Dr Richard Parker is an astrophysicist based at the University of Sheffield and since 2017 has held a Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin research fellowship, following previous post-doctoral research positions at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and Liverpool John Moores University. His main research interests are in the fields of star and planet formation and he uses computer simulations


[CANCELLED] Society Club Night

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

The first thursday of the month is our Society Members-Only Club Night... a social gathering for the sharing of hints, tips & experiences.

[CANCELLED] Introduction to Astronomy – RSPB St.Aidan’s

RSPB St Aidan's Nature Park Astley Lane, Great Preston, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

**SOLD OUT - Sorry!** Ever looked up at a star-lit sky and wondered about the stories of the stars above? Well now is your chance to find out more! Join us at RSPB St Aidan's for an introduction to astronomy, led by the Wakefield and District Astronomical Society. This beginner's guide will help you learn

[CANCELLED] Society Club Night

The Malt House Bennett Avenue, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

The first thursday of the month is our Society Members-Only Club Night... a social gathering for the sharing of hints, tips & experiences.